Bottoms Up Colonics
Rededge Shopping Centre
Shop 0, 30-32 Cypress Street,
Redland Bay QLD 4165
P: 07 303 81 282
E: redlandbay@bottomsupcolonics.com.au
W: www.bottomsupcolonics.com.au
Having a colonic can dramatically improve your health and mood.
- Start feeling better from your first treatment
- Enjoy sustained weightloss
- Feel energised and full of life
- Sleep better and feel rested
- Think more clearly with lowered stress levels
- Look better overall with a natural healthy glow
- Ease body aches and pains
- Support the management of chronic illnesses
Get optimal results from your closed colonic hydrotherapy session.
Monday To Friday: 9.00am - 6.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am - 2.00pm
Appointments before and after trading hours available on request